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4 Night Habits That May Help Lose Your Weight

weight lose

For those of you who have already done a lot of things for the sake your weight loss. These 4 habits below would help you to lose weight passively.

If before, to lose weight you have to follow a certain diet program and exercise routine also. So it's good you enhance that with some good habits below. The reason is, it does not have to spend a lot of time or your money.

Quoted from women's Health, these are the habit that can lose weight at your night time:

1. Choose the dinner menu that is low in salt

weight lose with avoid in salt food

Salt indeed provides a sense of delicious foods. However, it turns out that salt has bad side effects to the body. To help you lose weight, you should choose foods low in salt at dinner. Nutrition expert Keri Gans advises for consuming healthy food such as steamed vegetables and a good protein without the fat. Avoid Fast Food that contains a lot of salt for your dinner menu.

2. Night Workout

Night workout to weight lose

What about the idea of exercising in the evening? Sound revolutionary. However, many people are reluctant to work out at night for fear of later could not sleep. But the fact is, based on a survey by the National Sleep Foundation in 2013. Thus, their active work-out night reported being able to sleep soundly at night.

The range of percentages of the report is 56-67 percent. So, you can work out in the evening to get two advantages, first to help get a good night's sleep and the second, being able to lose your weight.

3. Drink lots of water

weight lose with drinking water in the night

Water is indeed healthy. In addition to the very role in cleaning the kidney and simultaneously relieve the it works, white water in the body also helps cleanse the body of impurities that are not required. Also, with getting used to the water in the night will suppress the desire to eat. The best advice to avoid back and forth to the bathroom, stop drinking water an hour before bed.

4. Sleep in the dark

weight lose

The evening is a rest time for the body. While the light will make the cells in the body will be awake. So it is noteworthy to turn off the lights before going to the bed. Especially if it is associated with the presence of the hormone melatonin. In a study published in the Journal of Pineal Research, known hormone melatonin helps the body produce more calories to burning the fat.

And, you need to know, more of the hormone melatonin which is produced during sleep in the darkness. Also, dark room conditions will be able to make sleep more quickly. (*)



What is the GM Diet?

Did you ever heard about what is the GM Diet?


Some simple exercises to get rid of the belly

Do you have a fat belly but lazy to jogging? Fat in the abdomen is getting piled up but reluctant to do the heavy workout? Maybe with some exercise below you can do ward off the fat in the abdomen.

Although simple, yet physical movement exercises below have the potent enough to flatten your belly fat. You simply work out indoors and do minimal routine once a day.

Also, to get more benefit from this exercise, try to reduce drink alcohol and avoid eating evening snack near your bedtime. Trust me; you will get back find your belly flat and more healthy. Try this exercise as quoted from Fashion Beans and Workoutlabs.com:

1. Inchworms

Simple Exercise : Inchworms (Source: WorkOutLabs.com)

You can start with this simple exercise from body position looked down then push up but not dropping your whole body to the floor. Put both hands on the front with a parallel position and open the legs as wide as your shoulders. Repeat the movement up and down as much as ten times.

2. Knees to chest

Simple Exercise : Knees to Chest (Source: WorkOutLabs.com)

Lie down and place the head right on the floor. Hug your knee with both your hands to keep the knee, and lift legs off the floor so that your knees were drawn to the chest. Repeat the movement ten times.

3. Side lunges

Simple Exercise : Side Lunges (Source: WorkOutLabs.com)

Clasp both hands, or hold the barbell and then open the legs as wide as the shoulders. Take the position of the bend to the side with one leg straightened out and a skewed to the side. Repeat six times on each side.

4. High klees

Simple Exercise : High Klees (Source: WorkOutLabs.com)

Stand with feet wide right with wide shoulders, then jumped alternately moving both hands. When the right leg lifted your left hand should be driven and vice versa. Try to bend the arm by 90 degrees. Repeat interchangeably on both sides.

In addition to the four simple movements above, you can also practice a light physical exercise for 8 minutes videos made by passion4profession.net as follows:

Well, it does not look too hard to do. You can start this exercise to shrink your belly fat. Do routinely every day and get the results sometime in the future. Not only reduce belly fat, but this exercise also can lose your weight. Good luck! (*)

How to do the Best Diet Before Married?

Best Diet before wedding

The wedding is the happiest day of the bride couple. So, of course, the couples would want to appear attractive on the day of their wedding. Especially for the girls, She often does a strict diet to lose weight and get the beautiful body shape.

Strict diet often feels very agonizing and thus affect the health. Whereas, at the wedding time, will greatly deplete the stamina and body should fit. For what outcome even while torturing myself not maximum. You obviously do not want entity becomes lethargic, stress and not fresh?

There are some ways that you can do to perform the correct diet and do not torture yourself. Take attention to some of the following  ways, cited from Fox News:

1. Set the target

Best Diet before wedding

Before starting the diet, make it clear and realistic targets. Then, arrange things anything that makes sense to hit the target, don't be too grandiose. Plan well.

2. Do with  realistic time

Best Diet before wedding

If the day of the wedding two weeks away and would like to get off the weight up to 10 pounds it's not possible. Create a realistic target in your weight loss. If you only want to lose a bit, two to three months can be done. This way will allow you to lose weight healthily and safely.

But if you go on a diet is not appropriate, for example, is too extreme and even make you look ill, no energy, sluggish, tired at the time of the wedding day.

3. Don't be too strict on yourself

Discipline in a healthy diet is important, but don't also torturing yourself. For example, you make a promise, will no eat chocolate for six months. But, this means that it is not realistic. Setting unrealistic rules will only make you getting motivated so desired it.

4. Doing Exercise and healthy eating

Best Diet before wedding

The days leading to the wedding date, you will be busy with a wide range of preparation. Well, for that kind of bustle, the body easily will get tired. Do healthy diets by eating healthy foods in the right portions will help the body get through the day.

Squeeze in for an exercise too, because it can help lose weight or body shaping. And can increase the durability of the body.

5. Buy or Rent the bridal dress that fits in your body

A few months before the wedding, the clothes have certainly prepared. Indeed, you are in the body shaping program, but this not means, for whom with large body size, must choose Barbie-fit clothes, for example.

It will be better if you make a rationally targeted to weight loss. Remember, would be easier for the tailor to shrink clothes than let it largest.

6. Avoid diet pills

Best Diet before married
You might be tempted to eat diet pills to get the perfect body. However, you need to know, most diet pills contain much caffeine affects the nerves so your quality time bed will be poor. Whereas, as a bride, yours must have enough rest.

Well, so six simple things you should look towards your wedding, so that later on so that your health is not distracted ahead of the wedding day. Diet to lose weight before the wedding that can be, but must remain realistic and not torture your body. (*)


The Effectively Way To Reduce Belly Fat


Why men over 30 age will have a belly fat? Many factors being the cause. In fact, the existence of the belly fat being one indicator, that there is a buildup of fat that is in under stomach skin. It will also affect your weight.

Preferably, you start to prevent of accumulated fat in the belly fat. Because the fat that accumulates in the abdomen must be a worry, due to an indication of the visceral fat mass. Also, this fat is closely connected with the risk of metabolic diseases, such as heart disease and blood vessels.

Belly fat can be expelled. Just as we discard fat in other parts of the body, the cause of belly fat can be done by increasing physical activity and a healthy diet.

In a recent study, lifestyle intervention intensively for a year successfully losing abdominal fat to 26 percent and cardiorespiratory fitness level to 20 percent in men who have a belly fat.

So, what can we do to prevent the buildup of fat in your belly? This include:

- Counseling With Expert Team

Interventions carried out in the study was deducted by counseling every two weeks once in the first four months. Later, after the 5th month, counseling is done once a month. The content of such counselling is how to regulate food intake and regular exercise.

- Adjust the food intake

Faulty diet can also cause belly fat. Thus, you should start to regulate the diet. Among the suggestions that there was an increase of healthy protein intake and reducing carbohydrates.

Saturated fat intake is also obliged to be restricted, such as red meat, butter, and also greasy and fried food. Also, avoid foods that contain high fructose corn syrup, such as soft drinks, cookies, and a variety of snacks.

- Actively moving

Remember to always active moving. Choose to walk rather than drive to proximity, light exercise while watching television rather than sit or lay down, etc.

- The combination of exercises

Just less effective cardio exercise to burn a lot of fat. Combine it with weight training. If necessary enlist the help of a fitness trainer to design a workout that's right for you.

So some of the ways that you can do to prevent the occurrence of belly and simultaneously help you lose your weight. Hopefully useful! (*)


The Dangerous of Belly fat

  The hazards of belly fat

Unhealthy lifestyle, irregular meals and sleep time with some other reasons, have caused of belly fat. Moreover, coupled with the habit of drinking alcohol, also faster changed the stomach protruding.
Someone has called the belly if the abdominal circumference size more than 95 cm. As for women over 80 cm.

If previously the people are proud with their belly fat, because it is considered as a prosperity symbol, but now, belly fat instead insists something wrong with your lifestyle. For today, the guy with the belly fat just shows the low awareness of a healthy lifestyle.

The belly fat show, there was a pile of fat in the abdomen should be aware. Due to the fact, You're piling up the danger.

An endocrinologist from the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, USA Michael D. Jensen says, what do you see as the fat in the abdomen is not limited to the fat layer under the skin only (subcutaneous fat) but also include visceral fat under the belly and envelop the internal organs.

belly fat Differences of visceral fat and subcutaneous fat
Visceral and subcutaneous fat position (Image: mayo)

Visceral fat is the fat that tucked in your waist, more active in metabolic and easier to disappear than subcutaneous fat under the skin, especially if you have much different of fat types.

And keep in mind, the potbellied have a greater risk of suffering from diseases of the heart and blood vessels, diabetes mellitus, colorectal cancer, as well as breathing stop during sleep (sleep apnea).

What makes the belly fat?

Belly is caused by an imbalance between caloric intake and the burned energy. If you eat too much but rarely move excess calories, of course, it will be stored as fat.

Also, the age factor was also influential. We will make us lose muscle, especially if we less exercising but more sedentary than moving. Reduced muscle mass will decrease the speed of the body uses calories.

The ability of fat cells in the hands and feet will also be reduce by storing fat, so if there is excess fat, it will go down to the stomach and excess as belly fat.

Various studies show that fat stored in the abdomen is not functioning as a backup power as does the fat in other parts of the body.

Visceral fat is biologically very active and produces certain chemicals and hormones causing hormonal balance disorders, metabolic disorders, and others.

Beer and belly fat
Is there any relationship between beer with belly fat?
Substances and hormones that produced belly fat can also trigger inflammation (inflammatory), at once ultimately trigger a variety of disease.

Given the dangers that are stored in the belly fat, then don't let fat stay too long. The good news is belly fat can be reduced, but all it takes is effort and patience.

Do changes in your lifestyle to reduce your belly fat. Start restricting the serving of a meal and give the body more moving. In addition to regular exercise, don't fill most of your time sitting silently. Take a break every an hour and try to keep it moving. (*)


Basic Rules Of Food Combining To Lose Weight

Basic Rules Food Combining for Weight Lose
One of the basic rules of weight loss dieting is the launch of the body metabolism. With the smooth metabolism are believed not to be the buildup of substances in the body resulting in illness. Including obesity.

Food combining is one method that is often used for weight loss. In the food combining, the focus is to set a combination of these types of foods in a certain period.

The wrong food combination, or have a much different indigestion, can cause the food left in the intestines. Just because, the result of digestion is not fluent, appeared like the rest of the fermentation gas build-up resulting in flatulence, and body work will not be optimal.

By doing the food combining diet, you can achieve a healthy lifestyle and the ideal weight you want through food. Here are a few basic rules in a Food Combining :

Basic Rules Food Combining


1. Eat more fruit

Things to know, fruits contain a simple sugar that is very easy to digest. Therefore, the fruits are highly recommended to be eaten on its own, not combined with other foods.

If eaten with other foods with different digestion process time, then the digestion process of the fruit will be distracted and follow a longer time of other food indigestion. Sugar from fruit settled in the stomach and fermented because the process becomes longer.

2. Protein and carbohydrates are not appropriate

Do not eat proteins and carbohydrates concurrently. Because the two types of these foods produce enzymes that mutually cancel each other. It will make your food takes a long time to digest and cause fermentation in your gut.

In a Food Combining, you can combine proteins with vegetables calorie-free, such as green vegetables, and carrots. Carbohydrates also can you consume with vegetables, or food with vegetable protein, such as soy.

Basic Rules Food Combining

3. Eat melons and watermelons when the stomach is empty

You may be accustomed to presenting melon and watermelon as a dessert. However, consciously or not, because that habit, your stomach will be bloated. It's like the belly is filled with gas, slightly decreasing blood sugar, accompanied by a slight sense of nausea.

Why is it so? Because, lemon and watermelon – so too with more fruits, preferably consumed alone are not combined with other types of food. Because of this, fruits have a different digestive process with other sweet foods. To optimally Digest, eat watermelon and melon before eating when the stomach is empty.

4. Eat a lot of green vegetables

However, green vegetables keep best foods for human beings. Does not contain many vitamins and minerals, such as amino acids (essential for building proteins), vitamins B, magnesium, iron and fibre, food is also ideal combined with all types of food. Therefore, it would be good always to enter the menu of green vegetables from your diet every day.

5. Limit of fat

Although fats and oils by different types of food – except fruit, still the consuming should be limited as they are full of calories, and it took a long time to be digested. Therefore, always give a distance of 4-5 hours between meals, if there are fat on the menu.

Basic Rules Food Combining


6. Set the Distance of Eating Time 

After knowing the time it takes a type of food (carbohydrates, protein, fat and fruit) to digest in the belly, then you must learn to give sufficient time for all the food out of the stomach, and reduce the effects of the bad.

In a Food Combining, the following suggestions are time constraints between the consumption of foods that could not be integrated with either:

- Heavy meal two hours after eating fruit
- Eat a protein three hours after consuming a carbohydrate
- Carbohydrates and eat four hours after eating protein. (*)