
4 Night Habits That May Help Lose Your Weight

weight lose

For those of you who have already done a lot of things for the sake your weight loss. These 4 habits below would help you to lose weight passively.

If before, to lose weight you have to follow a certain diet program and exercise routine also. So it's good you enhance that with some good habits below. The reason is, it does not have to spend a lot of time or your money.

Quoted from women's Health, these are the habit that can lose weight at your night time:

1. Choose the dinner menu that is low in salt

weight lose with avoid in salt food

Salt indeed provides a sense of delicious foods. However, it turns out that salt has bad side effects to the body. To help you lose weight, you should choose foods low in salt at dinner. Nutrition expert Keri Gans advises for consuming healthy food such as steamed vegetables and a good protein without the fat. Avoid Fast Food that contains a lot of salt for your dinner menu.

2. Night Workout

Night workout to weight lose

What about the idea of exercising in the evening? Sound revolutionary. However, many people are reluctant to work out at night for fear of later could not sleep. But the fact is, based on a survey by the National Sleep Foundation in 2013. Thus, their active work-out night reported being able to sleep soundly at night.

The range of percentages of the report is 56-67 percent. So, you can work out in the evening to get two advantages, first to help get a good night's sleep and the second, being able to lose your weight.

3. Drink lots of water

weight lose with drinking water in the night

Water is indeed healthy. In addition to the very role in cleaning the kidney and simultaneously relieve the it works, white water in the body also helps cleanse the body of impurities that are not required. Also, with getting used to the water in the night will suppress the desire to eat. The best advice to avoid back and forth to the bathroom, stop drinking water an hour before bed.

4. Sleep in the dark

weight lose

The evening is a rest time for the body. While the light will make the cells in the body will be awake. So it is noteworthy to turn off the lights before going to the bed. Especially if it is associated with the presence of the hormone melatonin. In a study published in the Journal of Pineal Research, known hormone melatonin helps the body produce more calories to burning the fat.

And, you need to know, more of the hormone melatonin which is produced during sleep in the darkness. Also, dark room conditions will be able to make sleep more quickly. (*)
