
Is The Lemon Detox Diet a Scam?

Lemon Detox Diet is Scam?
 More people who are so obsessed with the Lemon Detox Diet. This is due to the diet's success story. There was Beyonce who claims to have managed to lose weight up to 10 kg. Then there are names like Mariah Carey and Bollywood star Tania Zaetta.

Lemon Detox Diet is often referred to as the Master Cleanse, has become a special ritual - for most women - to lose weight quickly without medicine.

Bombastic news and, as it is so easy to do, so the question arises. Is the master cleanse really work, or is it just a scam? Is this diet healthy and safe for our health?

Nutrition expert Matt O'Neill has opinion, he stated that the Lemon Detox Diet is a starvation diet, and those who started the diet will soon gain back the weight when they just start eating normally again.

However, in contrast to herbalist Richard Carney. According to him, the Lemon Detox Diet is the best detox manner that provides rapid weight loss and can immediately start a healthy lifestyle.

The Master Cleanse was first discovered by American naturopath Stanley Burroughs about 60 years ago. This method is in the form of a drink consisting of consisting of a cocktail of water, lemon juice, cayenne pepper and maple syrup. Drink formula was re-created three years ago as the Lemon Detox Diet. And the only difference between the two is replaced the maple syrup with Madal Bal syrup, using the sap of several palm species.

Testing of The Lemon Detox Diet 


Lemon Detox Diet is Scam?

In his research, the participants drink about eight glasses of this concoction daily for about 10 days. Laxative tea and salt water infusions are also included. This diet has a mechanism: "This diet works to alleviate and improve the conditions of toxic and overweight. Diet is also, allows the body to cleanse itself naturally when you break from eating solid food".

O'Neill, who did the scientific analysis, concluded: "This diet includes a strict diet in terms of weight loss. But there is a horrible thing." Oneil said, this diet puts users at conditions that are very low in protein, which leads to loss of mass muscle. "Your metabolic rate will decrease. Chances are, when you do a detox you'll be fatter than when you started," he said.

Two nutritionist Rosemary Stanton and Susie Burrell agreed if the method of the Lemon Detox Diet "quite dangerous" for not supplying essential daily nutrients required by the body. However, Carney said detox is not long enough to cause loss of muscle tone or lack of protein.

"It helps my clients achieve the desired weight quickly and start a lifestyle change." Carney Clients also reported increased energy and improve the digestive process. He said that this drink is consumed every two hours to make sure the body does not go into starvation mode.

How did it works?

Lemon Detox Diet is Scam?

If the above is the nutrition experts opionion, and how about the user experiences the Lemon Detox Diet? Let's us listen to the story of Alice, who tried 10 days of Diet Master Cleanse. Here's the story:

The day before I started the program, I realized that there would be no food passed my lips for the next 10 days. So I started doing binge eating. I try to drink lots of maple syrup - just to get used to the taste. Likewise with Champagne, fish and chips and ice cream.

Day 1

I grabbed a coffee maker but quickly turn my attention to concoction the saltwater that must be taken. I immediately ran to the bathroom. Then, I made my first meal for the day - lemon, spicy, sweet cocktail. It feels refreshing, it was surprising. On the first day I spent a total of eight glasses of drinks. Then go to bed with hungry.

Day 2

Second day, feel like a hell. Someone has stolen my maple syrup from kitchen. Along that night, I can’t sleep. Because the stomach rumbling kept waking me up. Hungry.

Day 3

The hunger struck at 4 pm, when a basket of apples sent to the office. We struggled to get first bite of the apple. My friend (who also diet) send an email: "Yes, it looks like I will be fat again having just this diet program.

Day 4, 5 and 6

Wake up with bright eyes at 04:30 am and the laying in bed with feeling faint outline of my hip bone. Good, I did not lose. I then fill activities on that day by cleaning all over my house. I'm sad, because the scales showed my weight just dropped one kilogram. I decided to eat more cayenne pepper.

Day 7

Not too hungry. I was in the "zone". What a lot of boredom that I have eaten. Go to bed at 09:30 at night, on Friday.

Day 8 and 9

No energy. Weak and really wanted to eat curry. My black jeans still do not fit, it still feels cramped. Then, I took the recipe book to accompany my sleep that night.


Day 10

Hooray, I did it! I lose weight up to 3.5kg. My skin becoming brighter and my eyes sparkling. I vowed to change my ways and only eat when hungry

Day 11

Supposedly, the Lemon Detox Diet workout yesterday could facilitate me to have enough to eat with only juice, but I was ignoring it. Peanut butter on bread, coffee, champagne and canapes.

Two months running, my weight back increased to 2kg. But, I have reduced the intake of coffee and alcohol (a little). Look, I'm eating chocolate ice cream when making this article!